Tuesday 5 August 2014


6 - 14


Dr Muduzi Your Traditional Spiritual Healer My name is Dr muduzi and I am a Traditional Spiritual Healer (Sangoma) based in South Africa. I have been blessed with extremely powerful Spiritual Powers and Psychic Abilities. I have been offering spiritual healing / counselling and psychic solutions to clients from all over Africa and other parts of the world. I come from a large family of Inyangas / Sangomas and have received training from the best. My skills and knowledge of Traditional Spiritual Healing have been passed down to me over many generations of Spiritual Masters. In my years of training I have perfected the art of Spiritual Healing and am very confident that I can successfully complete every challenge brought before me. You simply need to ask. Being a Spiritual Healer to me is all about service and my love for people. I want to reach and help as many people as possible as I believe I have a special gift which must be made available to people of all races. Technology has now made it possible for me to bring my services to you, no matter where you are in the world. My services include, but are not limited the following: Spiritual Healing Over the years I perfected my skills and even developed my own techniques and spiritual healing methods. I have a strong and powerful connection with the Spirit World. I receive guidance and assistance from very powerful forces allowing me to help clients with all kinds of problems. Fortune Telling, Palm and Psychic Readings Do you want to know what the future has in store for you? Allow me tell you about your future. Spell Casting Spell Casting forms a major part of the Spiritual Healing process. Being trained as a Master Spell Caster I can help you with every aspect Please do not hesitate to contact me if you wish to find out more ON +27761923297 Email: proffmali39@yahoo.com Mobile number: 0761923297



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