Thursday 24 October 2013

UTERUS FIBROID,TUMOR & OUR TREATMENT.....Indo German Hospital , Khanna

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UTERUS FIBROID,TUMOR & OUR TREATMENT.....Indo German Hospital , Khanna

MEENU 38/F FILE NO. 15567 Case Details UTERUS FIBROID,TUMOR & OUR TREATMENT ; A lady 35/f came with the ultrasonograhy report on dated 01 Sep,2010 which revealed Bulky Uterus with Two Fibroids size 37.7* 34.3mm and 23.4 mm. We put our full effort to our academic interest. a case was uterus Fibroid, uterus Bulky . On committing symptoms: - Abdominal Pain, Breast Pain, Thigh pain Hypertensive & Obesity. Treatment went up. During the period the patient got constipation, flatulent for very short period. Further study of after 15 months ultrasonography , showed NORMAL Study with no scar on any left over.


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